We moved just up the road to East Norwich. Tower Square at 1035 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich, NY 11732.

We moved just up the road to East Norwich. Tower Square at 1035 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich, NY 11732.

Sports Injuries

Montalto Physical Therapy opened in August of 2007. As a private practice, Montalto Physical Therapy greatly appreciates the relationship it has with the members of the local community. It is this very relationship that has helped us consistently grow over the years.

Have you been injured playing a sport? We can treat all Sports Injuries at Montalto Physical Therapy, serving East Norwich, Oyster Bay, Syosset & beyond.

Sports injuries can happen to anyone participating in physical activity, whether you’re training for high school, college, masters, or recreational sports, or simply working to enhance your skills.

At Montalto Physical Therapy, sports rehab is our specialty, and we are dedicated to effectively treating your sports injury so you can get back to doing what matters most – returning to your sport! For more information on how we can help you recover from your sports injury and prevent future injuries from occurring, contact our Long Island area physical therapy office in Tower Square at 1035 Oyster Bay Road, East Norwich to schedule your appointment!

Woman with soccer injury
Men doing Bicycle Sports

How did my sports injury happen?

“Sports injury” is a term that can be used to describe any injury sustained while exercising or performing some sort of athletic activity. There are two ways in which sports injuries can occur: suddenly, such as one football player colliding with another, or overtime, through repetitive motions, such as improperly lifting heavy weights at the gym or running with poor form. Simply put, anything that results in pain while performing physical activity can be considered a sports injury.

Whether you rolled your ankle on the soccer field, gradually hurt your knee training for a 10K, or injured your back swinging a baseball bat, Montalto Physical Therapy can help you find relief. Your treatment plan will be dependent upon the nature of your injury, your health history, and your movement patterns in your sport. All athletes will receive a slow-motion video analysis to correct poor mechanics and prevent reinjury. If you’ve sustained a sports injury or continue to suffer from reinjury, please contact us as soon as possible. Immediate care for athletes is the key to fast return to sport.

Your recovery is waiting for you at Montalto Physical Therapy.

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Common types of sports injuries:

It is possible for any number of injuries to occur during athletic activity. However, the 4 most common sports injuries include:

Shin splints – Pain Relief
Medial tibial stress syndrome, also known as shin splints, is a pain that can be felt on or next to the shin bones, which are located at the front of your leg. This pain occurs when excessive stress is placed on the shinbone and the connective tissues surrounding it. Shin splints often leave you feeling debilitated and limited; however, they can be avoided by wearing proper footwear, strengthening your core and leg muscles, and warming up before exercise.

Knee injuries – No more knee pain
Did you know your knee is the most complex joint in your body? While this means that it has the ability to accomplish numerous physical feats, it also means that it is one of the most commonly injured body parts. Knee injuries may include a dull ache that runs from your hip to your knee, repetitive-use injuries that make it difficult to move your knee or more severe injuries such as an ACL tear that may require intensive rehabilitation or surgical correction.

Your bones are connected to one another by ligaments. When a ligament is stretched beyond its limits, a sprain can occur. Once the ligament is stretched, it is more likely that the affected area will be sprained again in the future.

Strains or pulled muscles
Your muscles and bones are connected by tendons. When a muscle is stretched beyond its normal length, a strain or “pulled muscle” can occur. Once the muscle is overstretched, it is more likely that the affected area will be strained again in the future.

Injury from skate boarding
Basketball sports therapy

Find relief for your sports injury with Montalto Physical Therapy’s specialized sports rehab

Our Long Island Sports physical therapists are movement specialists, fully equipped in creating the best-personalized treatment plan for your needs. At your initial appointment, you will undergo a comprehensive evaluation to assess your injury.

This helps us decide the best course of action for treatment. Some diagnostic tests, such as an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI may be recommended, in order to determine the root cause of your pain, so we can come to the best possible solution for your recovery.

All athletes will additionally undergo a slow-motion video analysis to determine movement flaws to fully correct the injury and prevent re-injury.

Treatment plans take into account the nature of your injury, your lifestyle, your fitness level, and any health risks you may have. They typically consist of strengthening exercises, manual therapy to restore full range of motion and reduce pain, and movement reeducation with video feedback is running and cutting drills.

These are all done in order to help you recover after your sports injury and to prevent further injury from occurring in the future. If your injury is preventing you from performing your sport the way you want, contact Montalto Physical Therapy today at our Long Island location in East Norwich, New York! We’ll get you started on the first steps toward recovery so you can get back in the game!

Sports injury means any injury to the musculoskeletal system that is the bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the body that happens due to sporting activities. At the same time, such injuries that happen due to daily activities are also dealt in the same way as sports injuries and can be classified in the same. These include the sprain or injury to the ligaments, tearing of the tendons or muscles or injury to the joint.

Subtle injuries like low grade sprains or contusions or bruises are usually treated with rest, ice, compression and elevation along with anti-inflammatory medications, moderate or severe injuries like high grade sprains or rupture of the ligament or tendon or muscle or fractures or injury to the joints are usually treated under supervision of sports physicians by specialized methods with or without need for invasive procedures and surgeries.

Sport injuries can be avoided or prevented by following a good regimen of stretching and strengthening of the muscles and the joints of the body prior to the sporting event. This requires a sports rehabilitation and training under supervision of the athletic trainer and coaches. Player should also wear appropriate safety gears for the game. They are also provided with strategies to prevent injuries by their athletic trainer or coaches. Appropriate level of health and nutrition is required to avoid and prevent sport injuries.

Sports injury can involve injury to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones or joints. These may be graded from mild to severe according to the amount of involvement. Subtle sport injuries can be treated under supervision of the athletic trainer and with over-the-counter medications along with physical modalities. Severe form of injuries may require medical attention and supervision of a sports physician.

Children have more resilience to injuries and usually have milder form of injuries. Fractures are relatively uncommon in younger population. They may suffer from sprain of the ligament or strain of the muscles or tendon. Children are at high risk of injuries due to their growth plate and may have growth plate injuries or injuries specific to kids like osteochondritis dissecans.

Soft tissue injury contrary to bony injury includes injury to the muscles, tendons or ligaments. They can be graded from mild to severe. Most of the time the soft tissue injuries can be treated by conservative means. Occasionally they may require surgical treatment for high grade injuries.

Overuse injuries are injuries caused due to over utilization of a specific joint or extremity beyond the limit of a specific person at their level of sport. These injuries are usually vague and do not have specific structural involvement. These injuries are usually treated with rest and limitation of activity as well as modification of involvement in sports. If not relieved further investigations including imaging like MRI may be needed to found the cause of pain.

An acute injury contrary to the chronic injury are injuries that are usually caused by specific events like fall or hit or an accident. They present immediately or within a few hours after the injury with symptoms like pain, swelling, limitation of movement.

An ankle sprain means injury to the ligament of the ankle which can be present commonly on the inner or outer aspect of the ankle. It is usually caused by twisting of the ankle while any sporting activities or even walking or running. They can be graded from mild to severe and may be treated with rest or a need for brace or boot. Occasionally, a sprain may be severe enough causing instability of the ankle and requiring surgical management for treatment and re-establishment of the stability of the ankle joint.

Indirect trauma as oppose to a direct trauma means injury to a specific area of the body while the body is either hit at a different area or is involved in an impact at a different area like twisting of the leg causing injury to the knee.

Sprain usually means injury to the ligament while strain usually means injury to the tendon or the muscle. Both can be treated with conservative means in cases of mild-to-moderate involvement. If the involvement is severe or high grade, then either of the two may require physician supervision and possible surgical intervention.

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